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Room 1 is large, spacious big sounding room equipped with a 1K Laney PA with Soundcraft desk with FX and Shure/SE Electronics mics. 


The amps available are a Joe Satriana Valveking, Peavey Valveking and Fender Champion and Fender Mustang along with an Ampeg  for your bass.  There's 2 monitors for the vocals.  We have a Roland keyboard amp should it be required.


Regardless of room we will always strive to equip customers with their preferred amps.  Bands are, of course, welcome to bring their own gear.


The staff are qualified and happy to help with your set-up if required.


Room 2 is a tight warm sounding room. Equipped with a Mackie Thump pa system with digital FX soundcraft desk. The drum kit ia a Yamaha Stage Custom drum set-up and a Hartke, Warwick bass amp.  Guitar amplification is provided by Marshall, Valveking and a Fender Mustang.  We also have a Vox and other amps available.


Both rooms are well-lit but capable of atmosphere lighting.  We're happy to provide heating and fans as required. 


3 mics are standard in the rooms but more are available, there's guitar stands and ample seating in both rooms.


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